Sun Salutation — Surya Namaskar
10 awesome benefits of practising Surya Namaskar every morning
Vinyasa-Yoga-Teacher-Training-School-Rishikesh,India Presenting you an important daily practice for self improvement in 30 Mins. Read our Article.
Sun salutation or popularly known as the Surya Namaskar is a versatile Yoga posture that has in recent times gained popularity among fitness enthusiasts. The Surya Namaskar is considered as a highly beneficial exercise for the body and the mind and most celebrities swear by it.
We take a look at 10 awesome benefits of practicing this popular exercise every morning.
1. Shed those extra kilos
First and foremost surya namaskar helps you keep your weight in check and sheds the extra kilos to keep your body toned and fit. With just one round of surya namaskar you lose close to 13.9 calories!
2. Improves digestion
Due to stretching and compressing, your digestive system is strengthened and you can bid goodbye to indigestion and dyspepsia forever. Think of that!
3. Cleanses your breathing organs
One of the biggest benefits is that, due to the rhythmic breathing the exercise involves, it cleanses your breathing tract and lungs and also detoxifies your body, helping you to get rid of harmful gases that might have entered your system.
4. Strengthens your back
Recurring backache is often caused by lack of movement of the muscles and joints. By making you stretch and bend, Surya Namaskar keeps your joints and spine in tip-top condition and also strengthens the overall skeletal system.
5. Makes you look younger
As clichéd as that sounds Surya Namaskar actually does this. How? By increasing and maintaining healthy blood flow in the body. It brings glow to your skin and also helps prevent wrinkles for a long time.
6. Childbirth goes easy on you
Girls, irrespective of the faith you belong to, this exercise will help you strengthen your immune system and regularize periods. It also has a positive effect on childbirth and keeps complications at bay.
7. Gives you a ‘Goodnight’
Surya Namaskar help you get your proper quota of sleep everyday and keeps anxiety at a distance. When your body stays strong, you tend to keep away from bodily and mental dysfunctions.
8. Tones your look
Surya Namaskar broadens your chest and makes your waist flexible on the whole, making you an easy mover and also helps you look fit!
9. Easy to remember stuff
Surya Namaskar improves the neural system and improves your memory. That means you will not forget that easily and retrieval of memories will also be bettered.
10. Suits your pace
These days, it’s difficult for most working people to follow an exhaustive exercise routine. Surya Namaskar fits the demand and helps you fit the regime within the restricted time frame by choosing the number of Namaskars you want to/can do. It’s a slick routine that is fast, yet effective.
200 Hour — Vinyasa Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training School India.